
Chair Grijalva Statement on Today’s Trump Administration Weakening of National Environmental Policy Act Standards

Washington, D.C. – Chair Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) released the following statement on today’s expected announcement that the Trump administration is weakening National Environmental Policy Act regulations.

“Our economy is leaving millions of people behind because the president has failed at his job, not because our environmental standards are too high. This rule change continues President Trump’s sad tradition of giving more power to the powerful and making it harder for Americans to protect their own neighborhoods from polluters. Like almost everything this administration is doing, it’s bad for public health and only serves the interests of his wealthy donors. Any version of the National Environmental Policy Act that weakens public input isn’t worth the name. I hope to see this corrupt rewrite join many of the president’s other illegal efforts on the scrap heap of history as soon as the courts are asked to rule.”

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